Your Guide To Staying Fit On Holiday

Heading off on a sizzling holiday? We know you’ve smashed your goals in the gym to prep for your trip, but stepping off the plane doesn’t have to mean the end of your bikini body. Check out our Miss Limitless guide to keeping fit on holiday—and don’t forget to pack your favourite outfit and tag us in the photos! #girlyougotthis

You can take the Miss Limitless girl out the gym…

Most decent hotels have gyms nowadays, and the air conditioning can be a welcome break from the heat outside. Even if it’s just 20 minutes of HIIT before breakfast, try and take a few trips to the gym (maybe before your hit the breakfast buffet in the morning!) and you’ll notice a difference throughout your holiday. We all want to cut loose on holiday, and understandably so. But a week of indulgent dinners and bottles in the club takes its toll, leaving you feeling too sluggish to enjoy the fabulous outfits you probably have packed! A few sessions in the gym can help to swear off the inevitable hangovers, leaving you ready to hit it again.


With so many amazing fitness apps, you don’t need to skip your workout just because you’ve left your gym card at home. Keeping fit on holiday is a breeze if you have a phone with you. Nike training is a great example of a free app filled with good options to get your heartrate up. And you can filter by bodyweight options, too—so all your need to get going is your Miss Limitless gear and a spot of shade. If you’ve got your tablet with you, check out Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel—if he can hack 20 minutes of HIIT in the LA sun, we bet you can, too!

Take a hike

Hiking is the go-to activity for the stars in LA (although hopefully you won’t be getting papped, so no need for backwards hiking a la Taylor Swift!). You’ll burn calories, tone your legs and soak up some pretty amazing views. “Going on a hike or two may not seem like your bag, but it’s popular with the LA celebs for a reason. Between our cute workout gear and the stunning views, just think of the insta-snaps you’ll be able to grab.

Dance, dance

Okay, you probably won’t need your Miss Limitless fitness gear for this one… But a serious night on the dance floor could burn well over a thousand calories. Just make sure you pack your comfortable heels…